Auto Train

The Auto Train is a daily Long Distance train between Lorton, VA and Stanford FL which conveys passengers and their vehicles 855 miles overnight from the Mid-Atlantic to the Florida coast.

Both Southbound and Northbound, all Auto Train passengers recieve complementary full dinner service the day of their departure, and a continental breakfast the following morning before a mid-morning arrival.

Stay tuned for detailed menu postings, including pictures, but for now, here are links to the Auto Train Menus:

Auto Train Coach Dinner Menu

Auto Train Sleeper Dinner Menu


  1. Wondering if Glutten-free passangers are accommodated on the menu?

  2. Unfortunately Amtrak cannot accomidate gluten free or many other allergins:

    "dinner entrees are not prepared on the dining car. The fat, cholesterol, sodium, gluten, wheat and peanut content may vary, and cannot be controlled or modified by the chef. Certain menu items are inherently low in fat, cholesterol and/or sodium and may be ordered from the regular menu. The waiter or lead service attendant can provide guidance."

  3. is there a complementry dinner for coach passengers
